Addren Doss

Addren Doss

“Why This Southern Girl Loves to Paint the West”Shining Mountain Draw, pastel, 11.5 X 14.5, plein air

If the author, Horace Greely, had said “go west young woman” instead of “go west young man”, he would have been talking about me.  It was the landscape paintings of the American west by modern masters that made me want to go there.  I would like to introduce you to some of them, and share my love of that wild untamed landscape and some of the animals who live there.

[Meeting and morning presentation free and open to the public.]

          …workshop from 1pm to 4pm…

Addren Doss… “South Meets West”


Using the landscape of Georgia O’Keefe country we will explore how the colors and elements of the New Mexico landscape differ from those of the Blue Ridge, and what they have in common.

We will create two small landscape paintings using an image from the Santa Fe National Forest, and an image from the Pisgah National Forest.

Each painting will begin with the same under tone on the paper and notan/value thumbnail sketches.  Then we will let the colors of the region take over. 


     “Light falling across an object, tree, beloved pet.  The broken color and textures created with pastels and oils.  The whisper of the pastel as it glides across a sanded surface.  The movement, push and pull of the oil paint as it is applied with a knife.  These are the things that excite me and call for me to paint them.”Addren Doss (2)

North Carolina artist, Addren Doss, works in oils and pastel, and has been painting professionally for over twenty five years. Her paintings of landscapes and animals are filled with light, and bold strokes of vibrant color.  Addren is a signature member of Women Artists of the West, member of excellence of the Southeastern Pastel Society, associate member of the Pastel Society of America, founding member of the Piedmont Outdoor Painting Society, and member of the Pastel Society of North Carolina.  Her work can be found in private and corporate collections across the country and in Europe.

Addren Doss

[Click HERE for SUPPLIES LIST for Workshop]


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